Delegates Committee

Delegates Page

This page is for intergroup delegates—each AA group can elect someone to represent their group’s conscience at WAI meetings. Delegates can vote on WAI business matters, join or chair a WAI committee, and involve their group in Alcathons, social activities, commitments and other outreach activities.

If you are thinking "I'm not needed here," or "the Steering Committee can function without me," here are some reasons why an intergroup delegate is needed.

To ensure your AA group’s voice is heard, as a WAI delegate you can:

  1. Change the location of the WAI office
  2. Elect (or stand for) Steering Committee membership
  3. With a majority vote, at any time, call a special delegates meeting
  4. Approve or disapprove the proposed budget for the upcoming year
  5. Approve or disapprove all major purchases or lease obligations
  6. Approv, disapprove, or question all Delegates meeting minutes and treasurer's reports
  7. Approve or disapprove of proposed changes to the Intergroup Guidelines
  8. With prior notice and a majority approval from other delegates, make changes to the Intergroup Guidelines

Delegate Forms

Below are forms to submit to WAI and/or GSO with updates about your group, district, or meeting:

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